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What I’d like to see in Debut is:

Set up Buckets: As soon as my pay hits my account, the amounts set in each bucket E.G. Groceries will automatically go into the Groceries bucket.
Similily, my Internet/phone bill is $330 a month and I get paid weekly, so even amounts go into my Telecommunications bucket each week to ensure it’s paid by the due date.
I have subscriptions in USD, so funds get converted to USD out of my pay, then when it’s due, the money is taken from that bucket, not my main account.

This will illiminate the need for multiple bank accounts and having to transfer funds into each, since funds will automatically have gone into each bucket.

Change Roundup (Save The Change): My bank is the only one in NZ who does this. As you spend through the day, you designate how much you want to round up to, such as $1, through to $10. With Debut, you set up a Savings Bucket, then define an amount you want to drop into it. Unlike my bank, money will be earning compounde interest.

24/7 Customer Service: The world is moving 24/7, and Debut should be no different. Need to change your PIN, Do it in the app!
Need to talk to a human? Calling customer service is a button away, and is encripted via a secure, end-to-end, clear audio connection over the Internet, instead of dialing a number and press 1 for this, 2 for that, entering a long account number and phone banking password and having to give my birthday and Mum’s Maiden name puts my security at rissk.
Speaking of Customer Servicee, we are a multicultural diverse country, and have people from various Pacific Islands, as well as native English and Te Reo Maori speakers. So a Tongan who identifies as such will get Tongan-speaking support, so would a Te Reo speaking would get support in Te Reo.