Māui Fishing with the Hook – by Daniel Chambers

Māui Fishing with the Hook – by Daniel Chambers

Card Idea

It’s of a Māori legend, Māui using his fishing hook to pull the North Island of New Zealand from the sea.

Cartoon or real images, i.e. photoshopped Lake Waikaremoana with a man sitting on an esky in the foreground. His line is in the water and there are bubbles and a land mass rising. It may be possible to do a series of shots where the mass raises more in each image in the series. In the final one, the esky is knocked over, and a bottle of L&P rolls out with the land mass out of focus in the background. Idk just a thought.


The recent weather events throughout the nation. The lake is my ancestral lake and represents a lot for my iwi and those that share her. It would be great symbolism for our continued strength as the lake carries on living so too do we as a nation.

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About Daniel Chambers

Not much to say. I have five kids. The eldest is 20. The youngest is 3 and the only girl. I work in Temporary Traffic Management as an STMS & TTMP Planner. I would love to be free of slavery to debt, but I don’t see myself ever being able to fix, repair or get beyond the hand-to-mouth negative equity system.

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