Run Sheet - January 2023

Hello! :wave: We hope everyone’s had a good break! We’re super excited to be back and also to announce some new developments with all of you.

Starting with our Run Sheet!

Here’s what you can expect to see from us over the next several weeks.

  • Deep dive into the forum
  • Sharing our Roadmap for Debut
  • First Confirmed Features
  • Design Preview

Read more on each of these below.

Deep dive into the forum

Right now, one of our main focus areas is on the Making Debut forum. Derrick, Sulabh and Sheenu will jump in, answer questions from the community and we’ll be doing quite a bit of tidying up and tagging in preparation for the next item on the agenda, our product roadmap…

Sharing our roadmap for Debut

We’re expanding on the Making Debut forum to frame your topics and identify features on the development roadmap. We want to see community ideas graduate to the roadmap and investigate those that may need to cook a bit longer.

First confirmed features

Following on from the roadmap, we’ll be sharing some of the first features we’re currently working on.

Design preview

Finally, we’ll share our first sneak peek at some of the visuals worked up by Raymond, our UX designer.

The team is working on some exciting stuff and we can’t wait to get it out the door so we can share it with the community.

Stay tuned for more next week!