Card Competition Resources

Card Competition Resources

Card Competition Resources

Together with you, Debut is creating better banking for all Kiwis. Last week, we announced our competition to share your idea for how we should represent New Zealand on New Zealand’s next-gen bank starting 1st March. Here are some resources to help get you started.

Debut’s Card Competition

Enter the competition and your idea could be featured or integrated into the design of Debut cards. Plus, the winner will also get $1,000 pre-loaded to their Debut account at launch. Entries will open on March 1st, so stay tuned for more details till then.

See Competition Details

Competition Resources

The resources provided here are entirely optional. We want to see your own creativity come out and let the rest of the community vote. These are completely optional. Everything you need to know is in the entry form.


:page_facing_up: How to prepare your entry :arrow_down:

:page_facing_up: Optional design brand guidelines :arrow_down:

Please note, Debut is not a registered bank under the Banking (Prudential Supervision) Act. This is about our future intentions. Investments with us are not supervised currently by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand