What should be on NZ’s Next-Gen Bank Cards? Share and Win
Debut is building New Zealand’s next-generation bank with you. Today, we’re announcing a new competition to inspire the design Debut’s payment cards. We want to feature something that represents New Zealand to our community members.
Enter the competition and your idea could be featured or integrated into the design of Debut cards. The competition theme is: what represents New Zealand to you, and everyone is welcome to enter. You can share your idea however you like, e.g. a document, a photo, a drawing or even a video. Plus, the winning design will also get $1,000 pre-loaded to their Debut account at launch. Entries will open on March 1st, so stay tuned for more details till then.
Here’s how it’s going down
Competition Announced
Note: Dates have been updated.
Learn about the competition, explore the competition resources and start thinking about what represents New Zealand to you.
Key Dates:
Wed 1 Mar – Entry Period Opens
Fri 28 Apr – Entry Period Ends,
Act 2: Gather Your Votes
Now it’s time for the rest of the community to vote. To keep things nice and fair, everyone starts voting at the same time. You can also share your entry page on Facebook, Instagram or even your workplace’s private chat channel to get votes from your whānau and workmates.
Key Dates:
Mon 1 May – Voting Begins
Fri 2 Jun – Voting Ends
Act 3: Grande Finale
Join us for a live stream on YouTube. The community favourites will make it to the Grande Finale and go before the judges panel - Gotta be in-it-to-win-it!
Key Dates:
Tue 13 Jun – Judges Votes Announced, Winner Announced, competition ends.
Questions and answers:
How many concepts or ideas can I share?
You can enter unlimited concepts. You can even include a series if you like, e.g. 4 different designs that work together.
What happens after I share my idea?
After you submit your entry, it will be reviewed by a moderator. If successful, your entry will be posted as a new topic in the Representing New Zealand Card Competition category.
What happens if my idea is not approved?
The moderator will let you know why your entry was not found to be acceptable and what you can do about it. You will be able to re-enter as long as it is before the closing date.
What do I do after I’ve shared my idea?
Tell people about it and invite them to vote for you. You can share your entry with friends or family over email or social media.
How do I vote and can people vote for themselves?
To vote, go to the Card Competition category in the Backstage Community Forum and click on one of the Vote links. Select your favourite entry and enter your details to register your vote. We want to make sure that people interested in building Debut are the ones taking part, so in the interest of fairness, contestants and voters must be on the Waitlist. And yes, you can vote for yourself. Voting opens Monday 1 May.
How will the $1,000 be awarded?
Once Debut becomes available to the public, the winner will be invited to download Debut. Once they sign up, their account will be loaded with the prize money. We plan to launch Debut later this year.
Please note, Debut is not a registered bank under the Banking (Prudential Supervision) Act. This is about our future intentions. Investments with us are not supervised currently by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand