Saving & Money Management Ideas

A couple ideas for saving and money management…

  • user ability to define carry forward balances (so, the ability to specify a day, week, month timeframe upon which any balance in one account will be moved into another account).

  • the option set an amount to top up an account to (so the ability to specify a day, week, month timeframe upon which one account will be topped up to a specific value from another account - pocket money/allowance setting if you will)

  • a type of savings account that forces a delay on withdrawals (a week? 72 hours? User defined - only able to amend every 30/60/90 days?)

Balances that roll over, for example, I have an $80 grocery bucket, but I only spend 60 this week. This could be useful during the Easter holiday, where I get paid within four days due to the Good Friday and Easter Monday Puts budgets out of sync. So if I spend $60 for the next few weeks, I could do a big shop during the Easter period, and not have it effect my groceries bucket.