Hi Guys,
I’m looking for a way to have separate weekly budgets for my living costs and for my general spending. The only potential way to do this at the moment appears to be creating a category for each, but then I lose insight into my spending as the more granular categories are lost.
This could be achieved by multiple accounts or category groups/spending sheds.
Multiple accounts would operate like a typical bank account where you deposit X dollars each week with a debit card assigned to each account.
Category groups/spending sheds would mean you could group categories together and assign an overall budget/limit to the group.
i.e. I group ‘Eating Out’ and ‘Shopping’ under ‘Spending’ and set a weekly budget of $300 per week. One week I may spend $100 on ‘Eating Out’ leaving me $200 for ‘Shopping’. Another week I may cook every night and spend no money on ‘Eating Out’, leaving $300 for ‘Shopping’ (or an extra $100 to savings).
Remaining budget each week could then either roll over to the next week, or go to a savings shed.
Anyone else have similar needs / solutions?
I’ve got savings sheds set up as buckets. However, you cannot take an expense from a particular shed: such as groceries or to pay a bill. I’d like to be able to split my pay into buckets as soon as it hits my account, then have Debut take my groceries for my grocery bucket, and my Internet from my monthly expenses bucket. I did try to create a shed for each of my expenses, but the list got too long, and there is no sorting option. Personally I wouldn’t use savings sheds for my expenses, as currently there is no way to know what date and time a recurring transaction will occur, and you have to transfer the amount back to the main account, which defeats the purpose of having buckets in the first place. there should be a budget tool where you could create a budget from the data you have given Debut over the last three months. I am a person who Earz to have my expenses in their own categories, such as convenience store, or bars and nightclubs. Eating out is very broad, and the times when Uber eats or DoorDash transactions get put there as well. Food delivery category could be used for this. Creating a budget from existing categories, then assigning which expense comes from which bucket Will resolve the issue of ensuring I have enough money to cover the expense, since I’m putting a constant amount in each week. If there is some leftover, there should be a rolling function where if you’ve gone under the expense for a week, you can roll it over to the next week. If you go over, there is some cash in that bucket already there, unless you have to dip in to another bucket.
Looks like there is a bunch of overlap here with your buckets idea. Have added a comment there!