Scanning QR code on bottom left corner of physical cards for online transactions

When using my physical card online, scan a QR code embedded in the card. This will ensure that I physically have the card in my hand, and, as a preface to my previous post, on random app generated CVV, to protect from fraud. The CVV was designed in the nineties to combat fraud to ensure that the owner had The card in the hand, but with the recent Google pay scam on stuff, was so easy to set up with stolen card details, so, I think the embedded CVV has passed its used by date, new features and functions need to be considered, such as random CVV and scan QR code on the physical card, which I would put in the bottom left-hand corner, and be engraved, which would indicate which way it will go in the ATM and EFTPOS Machine.

To prevent cards from being activated elsewhere, they can only be activated on one device type, one phone, one watch, one tablet. Either Google, or Apple Pay, not both, unless approved by Debut, for example, someone might have an iPhone and an android tablet, an android phone and an iPad.

Personaly, I don’t want to scan a QR code or have my physical card to complete a transaction. I often don’t grab my card as I’ve memorised the card number or saved it, so this QR code scan will be inconvenient for me.

QR codes were also created in 1994, so not exactly the most modern technology.
You can read more about QR codes at QR Code: What Is It And How Do You Scan It | Avast

I’m also unsure how this idea would be implemented; would merchants have to support it? Or would it take place during 3d secure?

I would however be all for having an option to set a max transaction limit (eg $100), afterwich ever transaction requires authorisation before the payment is confirmed (through an authenticator app, the Debut app, email etc)
It’ll be nice to also be able to disable this for certain companys such as those you have auto subscriptions with.
This will of course be in addition to the auto secondary authentication