December waitlist competition?

Has anyone received any communication about the December waitlist competition.
According to the terms of the comp it finished on the 30th Dec and I was expected an email announcing the winners on the 6th of Jan.
So far I haven’t heard anything and havent received a response to my enquiry via email or Facebook.

A bit disappointed tbh

Has anyone else heard anything?

All winners have been announced now!

Whoops, I didn’t have access to the waitlist while on holiday, so thought it wouldn’t hurt to push the draw back a few days. Here are the winners.

2022 iPad Winner: Omelia L.

$50 Credit Runner-up Winners:

  1. David M.
  2. Andre A.
  3. Thomas M.
  4. Milane N.
  5. Giancarlo C.

$50 Prezzy Card Lucky Dip:

  1. Tai A.
  2. Ben B.
  3. Lana O.
  4. Muhammad A.
  5. Ora-Mei H.

All winners have been contacted over email.

Hi Derrick

I never received an email or notification, it may have been sent to my old work address?

I’ve tried contacting you over the intercom in app messaging, but never got a reply

